
‘I Am The Greatest’: A Big Ego Ignites Big Achievements

Like it or not, Ego is NOT the enemy. In fact, in many (probably most) cases, a Big Ego is essential to Big Achievements. People with Big or Humongous Ego’s have long been criticized and demonized. They get a bad rap. Not so fast … The truth is: Big Egos make the world go-round. If…

Record 116 Degrees; AC Outage At McCarran Airport

By CHRIS JONES and FRANK ANTHONY CURRERI LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL What’s worse than spending an entire afternoon stranded at the airport? Try spending an afternoon stuck at the airport with no air conditioning on one of the hottest days in recorded history. Tens of thousands of Southern Nevada locals and visitors experienced just such a…


If There Are Mats in Heaven … See You There Don Charley

It’s 3 am; I visited my old training partner’s Facebook page once more. Kept wishing he would write something or ‘like’ one of my posts, as Don Charley did so often. Part of me expected something surreal to happen. It’s only natural to feel that way when you learn, all too suddenly, that a friend…