Mind of Champions: The Armor of Divine Purpose

Marching Toward Greatness: Imagine An Ally Above

Anyone who becomes seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that there is spirit manifest in the laws of the universe, a spirit vastly superior to that of man.”

— Albert Einstein, who also perceived a “God Particle,” an invisible spirit energy, as the essence of all physical matter.

Call it whatever you want — God, Yahweh, Universe, Cosmic Force, Infinite Intelligence, The Supernatural, The Spirit, “The Force,” etc…

The greatest achievers in history usually kept an open mind to the existence of something greater than themselves — and tried to pipe into that Infinite Power. Let it flow and channel through you.

You may especially wish to surrender to a Higher Power when you hit Rock Bottom, when all the chips are down, and don’t trust yourself or are too weak to crawl out of that dark place of your own volition. No one can force you to believe in an invisible force greater than you – a force that governs the entire universe – but why limit your thinking and presume there isn’t one? There is something incredibly empowering about imagining there is an Infinite Power watching over us, rooting for us, propelling us. Something incredibly uplifting when we imagine there is an All-Powerful Force that has destined greatness and Divine Purpose for us, no matter the storms we suffer along the way. It can make you feel many times more powerful than your Mortal Mind thinks you are, psychologically  fortifying you to triumph over the most daunting forces and enemies.

Definitely give it a shot. If you’re not piping into a power greater than you, you’re disadvantaging yourself.