Life, Purpose and The Ultimate Law of Attraction Anthem

One Life.
I hear so many leaders claiming that as a matter of fact, rather than an act of assumption. Because in all things, there is always a choice to be made. Every situation requires us to choose Faith in something — in this case, the possibilities include NothingNess or A NEXT DIMENSION where life continues in some meaningful and conscious form.
In my mind, what are claimed to be Matters of Fact are often mere Matters of Faith (yes, faith is a two-way street: Even the Atheist who vociferously asserts, “there is nothing after this” is putting her faith in the certain views, ideas and data that have led her to conclusion. In this way, the atheist has more in common with the religious or spiritual person than she might realize. The religious person and the atheist both cling to Faith as a guiding force, it’s just that they choose to put their Faith in diametrically opposed prisms).
In my own case, I choose to see my existence as “a” life. A dimension.
And the longer I live, the more I subscribe that even in “this” life, there are multiple dimensions.
The “old” me, the past me, is gone.
Travel the world you will not find him. The 6- or 7-year-old me. Or even the Yesterday Me, existing only in some invisible and remote space, replaying in my neuro-pathways and cerebellum but lacking physical existence in this current dimension.
There is an upbeat Teddy Pendergrass anthem — “Life is A Song Worth Singing” that seems appropriate (by the way, it is a remake of the Johnny Mathis hit and the title track to Philadelphia Pendergrass’ album that hit #1 on the R & B charts in 1978).
I hear this song — cheesy as some will certainly find it — as a Law of Attraction Anthem, an impassioned reminder that we
must always weather the highs and lows, we must always see the glass as half full. Every decision boils down to that choice: Half Full or not? Proactive or reactive? In control or helpless?
 To me, the distinction between ONE Life and A Life is of utmost consequence, closely tied to our Sense of Purpose, The Meaning of Life, the mark we intend to make on this Dimension or dimensions.
Our time is precious. It doesn’t actually exist (it’s a human construct, a human invention) yet we are in many ways defined by our relationship with our perception of Time. This paradox — and all the world is one great big paradox — arms us with an urgency.
An urgency to create NOW. An urgency to BE PRESENT. An urgency to maximize our energy and endeavors rather than waste them.
For no one can predict the exact moment they have breathed their last breath in this dimension.
Yet to say “There is one life” is to ignore that YOU ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE. Everything that happens around you each and every moment requires a choice. Good or bad. Afraid or at peace. Happy or Sad. Optimistic or Discouraged, etc.. 
And so, where time is concerned, for reasons that make sense to me, I choose to believe there are many dimensions — our dream state, for example, being a different dimension than our waking state.
We are simultaneously both the same person and a completely different person, always changing and evolving.
Heraclites said, “You can never step in the same river twice.” The river always changes. So, too, do we. Our bodies, our skin, our hair, our way of thinking — and if we are lucky our habits.
The world around us constantly changing, and if we are smart we constantly adapt with it. The one constant, right?
I choose to see this as “A” dimension, “a” life, rather than “ONE Life.” Because it’s much more positive and optimistic about the WHAT COMES NEXT. It is a choice, no different from the question that confronts us every day: Half Full or Half Empty?
Not here to debate anyone on the matter. Only you can choose your Truth. Just choose the one that you feel comfortable with, that inspires you, that colors the meaning and purpose of your life.
Happy Manifest,
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