
I’m a Sugar Addict: What Can I Do to Curb My Cravings?

By The Organic Tank America is a nation of sugar addicts — many unaware of it. It is arguably the nation’s most pervasive addiction.  So what’s your strategy to curb your sugar cravings and reduce your daily intake? Where do you start?  In this YouTube video, “The Organic Tank” Frankie Forza, Mr. Longevity obsessed, talks…

The Deadly Opioid Crisis: One More Reason Not To Trust Our Food Supply Either

“Addiction is not common. Addiction is rare in the pain patient who is properly managed,” Paul Goldenheim, Vice President of Research and Development for Purdue Pharma, 2001 testimony on Capitol Hill before Congressional lawmakers regarding prescription opioids.  We have a HealthCare Nightmare on our hands in the form of skyrocketing addiction and deaths via doctor-prescribed and…


Small Slice of Zen: Can You Meditate While Multi-Tasking?

Covered in this ForzaFit™️ blog post:  — Mindfulness & “MindFuel” Eating; — Multi-tasking gets a bad rap but ________ ; — You are Your Habits: Morning ritual; — A few must-read books for anyone curious about how a Modified Ketogenic or full-fledged Ketogenic Diet can be an absolute game-changer and Life Transformer; MULTI-TASKING AS A…